
The Activity report summarizes the new additions the BC BigTree Registry in 2024.  The nomination summaries present measurements, some general location information and a photo.
The Lost Giants report summarizes the trees in BC BigTree Dead Tree Registry. Data tables present information on year of death, cause of death and measurements in relation to living Registry trees.
The Verifiers Needed report lists the nominations (from 2024 – 2014) to the Registry that require measurement verification. Interested verifiers can consult the BC BigTree Field Package for measurement guidelines and requirements, and contact the Registrar.
The Tree Seekers quick reference DBH and height table is formatted for viewing on a smart phone and will help you determine the significance of a tree when you come across in it the field.


Data Files

Data for all living and verified trees in the BC BigTree Registry with information on measurements, location, land ownership, site and access notes, nominators and verifiers.
link Data for dead trees in the BC BigTree Dead Tree Registry with information on measurements, location, land ownership, site and access notes, nominators and verifiers.