Tree notes
It is helpful if you submit a written description of the tree and site it is growing on. Describe of any notable physical characteristics of the tree, such as a fire scar, insect or other damage, a pronounced lean, forked top, dead top, tree health or evidence of wildlife use such as nesting birds, etc. that are of interest and will help others identify the tree. Describe the surrounding ecosystem, site conditions (slope, aspect), or share your story of how you discovered the tree, why you nominated it or who it is named after.
Tree species accepted into the Registry
When nominating a tree you will need to provide the name of the tree you are nominating. See our “Links” page for on-line and printed tree identification resources.
Those in green have not yet been nominated!
Latin name | Common name |
Abies amabilis | amabilis fir |
Abies grandis | grand fir |
Abies lasiocarpa | subalpine fir |
Acer circinatum | vine maple |
Acer glabrum | Douglas maple |
Acer macrophyllum | bigleaf maple |
Alnus rubra | red alder |
Alnus tenuifolia | mountain alder |
Alnus viridis | Sitka alder |
Arbutus menziesii | arbutus |
Betula neoalaskana | Alaska paper birch |
Betula occidentalis | water birch |
Betula papyrifera | paper birch |
Xanthocyparis nootkatensis | yellow-cedar |
Cornus nuttallii | Pacific dogwood |
Corylus cornuta | beaked hazelnut |
Crataegus columbiana | red hawthorn |
Crataegus douglasii | black hawthorn |
Juniperus scopulorum | Rocky Mountain juniper |
Juniperus maritima | seaside juniper |
Larix laricina | tamarack |
Larix lyallii | subalpine larch |
Larix occidentalis | western larch |
Malus fusca | Pacific crab apple |
Picea engelmannii | Engelmann spruce |
Picea sitchensis | Sitka spruce |
Picea glauca | white spruce |
Picea mariana | black spruce |
Pinus albicaulis | whitebark pine |
Pinus banksiana | jack pine |
Pinus contorta var. latifolia | lodgepole pine |
Pinus contorta var. contorta | shore pine |
Pinus flexilis | limber pine |
Pinus monticola | western white pine |
Pinus ponderosa | Ponderosa pine |
Populus balsamifera | balsam poplar |
Populus trichocarpa | black cottonwood |
Populus tremuloides | trembling aspen |
Prunus emarginata | bitter cherry |
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii | coastal Douglas-fir |
Prunus pensylvanica | pin cherry |
Prunus virginiana | choke cherry |
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca | interior (Rocky Mtn) Douglas-fir |
Quercus garryana | Garry oak |
Rhamnus purshiana | cascara |
Salix bebbiana | Bebbs willow |
Salix discolor | Pussy willow |
Salix lucida | shining willow |
Salix scouleriana | Scoulers willow |
Thuja plicata | western redcedar |
Salix sitchensis | Sitka willow |
Salix amygdaloides | peachleaf willow |
Taxus brevifolia | Pacific yew |
Tsuga heterophylla | western hemlock |
Tsuga mertensiana | mountain hemlock |